How does a fire department’s pre-plan program benefit from FlowMSP?
How does a fire department’s pre-plan program benefit from FlowMSP?
Your time is valuable. Pre-planning with FlowMSP is convenient, fast, and easy. We use technology to automate calculations and image-based pre-plans to deliver first responders intelligence, not just information.
We have pioneered a method of creating basic preplans for commercial buildings in a customer’s jurisdiction. These plans include: Structure Address, Square Footage, Fire Flow, and Hydrant Identification
FlowMSP is built around the ability to add photos to a preplan (from any connected mobile device) and then annotate those photos with critical information. Incident commanders and company officers need only glance at the platform and can begin interpreting critical information faster than written pre-plans, building descriptions, or data sheets.
FlowMSP gives Incident Commanders all the information they need to execute their fire attack plans. That includes water supply. We display all your hydrants directly on the satellite image of your jurisdiction, in the NFPA color-codes for volume. Hydrants are connected to pre-plans based on fire flow needs, allowing first responders to know exactly what hydrants to tap to meet flow requirements.
Our map-based pre-planning allows you to view your pre-planning program from the district level or at specific location. Your preplanning information is finally accessible to anyone, anywhere, at anytime.
How does FlowMSP ensure first-in officers have access to the most critical information the moment they need it?
Information rich pre-plans are only valuable if you can access them during an emergency. Our dispatching feature sends notifications directly to your device upon receiving a CAD message (usually faster than department tones), and provides access to pre-plan information and turn-by-turn directions to the incident with one click.
The lack of familiarity and information available when responding to an incident outside of your district puts firefighters at risk. With FlowMSP, share detailed preplan information with your neighboring departments and protect your firefighters.
How does a fire department adopt FlowMSP?
We make sure adopting FlowMSP is hassle-free. We have specialists on staff who focus solely on assisting new customers with their adoption, implementation, and downstream usage of the platform. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.
Review your existing data and learn about your onboarding options.
Our team helps you upload hydrants, set-up dispatch with CAD, and import existing data.
Develop a program rollout strategy, train-the-trainer, and establish SOPs/SOGs.
We offer you a free 30-minute demo to familiarize you with how FlowMSP can improve your preplanning program